Key Characteristics of Male Reproductive Toxicants

The original working group met at UC Berkeley on March 7-8, 2018, and was hosted by Martyn Smith (UC Berkeley) and Lauren Zeise (OEHHA, CalEPA). The group was co-chaired* by Xabier Arzuaga (U.S. EPA) and Gail Prins (Uni. Illinois, Chicago). The group examined the literature and developed 12 key characteristics (KCs) of male reproductive toxicants and subsequently published a paper in 2019, Arzuaga et al, 2019, which included additional invited experts**.

Last NameFirst NameInstitutionEmailStakeholder
Arzuaga*XabierU.S. EPAArzuaga.Xabier@epa.govGovernment
Beverly**BrandieseU.S. NTPbrandy.beverly@nih.govGovernment
GibbonsCatherineU.S. EPAGibbons.Catherine@epa.govGovernment
HauserRussHarvard Uni.rhauser@hsph.harvard.eduResearcher
Hotchkiss**AndrewU.S. EPAHotchkiss.Andrew@epa.govGovernment

Pagani**RodrigoUni. Illinois, Chicagorpagani@uic.eduResearcher
Prins*GailUni. Illinois, Chicagogprins@uic.eduResearcher
SandyMarthaOEHHA, California
SchraderSteveNIOSH (ret.)N/AGovernment
SkakkebaekNielsCopenhagen Uni., Denmark Niels.Erik.Skakkebaek@regionh.dkResearcher
SmithMartynUC Berkeleymartynts@berkeley.eduResearcher
Yost**ErinU.S. EPAYost.Erin@epa.govGovernment
ZeiseLaurenOEHHA, California

**Additional experts added after the original working group meeting.

Abbreviations: CPMC, California Pacific Medical Center; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency; NIEHS, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; NIOSH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; NTP, National Toxicology Program; OEHHA, Office of Health Hazard Assessment,
